Ashrae 90.1 pdf 2019
Ashrae 90.1 pdf 2019

This approach is referred to as a dependent baseline. A building is deemed in compliance with ECB when the annual energy cost of the proposed design is no greater than the annual energy cost of the baseline building design.The baseline is essentially a clone of the proposed design with most of the building components adjusted to “just meet” current prescriptive requirements.

ashrae 90.1 pdf 2019

The main differences between the ECB and PRM approaches in Standard 90.1 are the characteristics of the baseline building design.

ashrae 90.1 pdf 2019

This is demonstrated using computer simulation to compare a proposed building design to a reference building design commonly referred to as a baseline. These methods provide more flexibility by allowing a designer to "trade off" compliance by not meeting some prescriptive requirements if the impact can be offset by exceeding other prescriptive requirements.

ashrae 90.1 pdf 2019

  • The two performance-based approaches in Standard 90.1 are the Energy Cost Budget (ECB) method found in Section 11 and the Performance Rating Method (PRM), commonly referred to by its location in the Standard, Appendix G.
  • The prescriptive path establishes criteria for energy related characteristics of individual building components such as minimum R-values of insulation, maximum U-factors and solar heat gain coefficients of fenestration, maximum lighting power allowance, occupancy sensor requirements for lighting control, and economizer requirements for HVAC systems.
  • Commercial building energy codes such as ASHRAE Standard 90.1 typically include two types of approaches for demonstrating compliance prescriptive and performance paths.

    Ashrae 90.1 pdf 2019